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Maeng Da Kratom: Benefits and Side Effects

November 29, 20214 Min read

Maeng Da kratom, also called MD, is arguably one of the most well-known kratom strains available in the market. Some users often refer to Maeng da kratom as the strongest or the best variety of kratom. It has an excellent medicinal value and Maeng Da Kratom abounds in the alkaloid. Mitragynine and its concentration may be as high as 1.5%, depending on who you’re buying it from. It originated in Thailand, but now it is found in Indonesia and Malaysia too. However, Maeng Da kratom of good quality is still predominantly found in Thailand only because of the prevailing weather....

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The Top Health Benefits of Kratom

November 17, 20215 Min read

Kratom, cultivated in the South-East Asian countries of Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, is available in several forms. It is often sold in the form of powder and capsules, or even as leaves. Some people even smoke kratom. Many people use kratom because it is beneficial to our health in a number of ways. A lot of people use it to ward off pain. Some people use it as a medication for mental health problems like depression, while others remedy opioid withdrawal. It’s often used as a sedative and stimulant. Traditionally it has been in use for over 150 years and...

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Is Kratom good for athletes?

November 8, 20214 Min read

While mitragyna speciosa or Kratom is a newcomer in the modern-day health and fitness market, it has historically been used by Southeast Asian farmers for a long time. Farmers chewed on Kratom leaves to boost their focus and their physical productivity. Today, Kratom is quickly becoming relevant as more and more of its potential benefits are uncovered. When it comes to athletes, their drive to succeed and improve themselves is a constant push for them to explore and find legal health supplements and natural ingredients which can boost their performance. As the Kratom industry grows worldwide, its use has penetrated...

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Top 5 ways to consume Kratom

November 8, 20215 Min read

Kratom, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, is a plant-based substance that has created a lot of humdrum in the modern botanical and herbal market. Botanical enthusiasts all over the world are hailing Kratom as a miracle substance. New users are joining the Mitragyna world each day. However, with popularity comes misinformation. There are a significant number of rumors and myths regarding Kratom floating all over the World Wide Web. These myths tend to confuse new users and deviate them from the proper way to use the substance. If you are an individual looking to reap the amazing benefits that Kratom...

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Why Reading Online Reviews Before Purchasing Kratom Is Important

October 25, 20214 Min read

In 2018, several states in the US witnessed an outbreak of salmonellosis. Different strains of Salmonella infected about 199 individuals from 41 states. After a great deal of investigation, the FDA discovered that the consumption of kratom-containing salmonella caused these infections. Something that could have been averted had the FDA regulated kratom. It’s convenient to buy kratom from online sources because its sale isn’t authorized in some places. However, how do you find out the best place to source your Kratom from? That’s where reliable user reviews come in. Importance Of Reading Online Reviews Before Buying Kratom For several years,...

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What Happens When You Stop Using Kratom?

October 10, 20214 Min read

Kratom, the well-known analgesic from Southeast Asia, has a host of benefits to offer. It can elevate your mood and boost your stamina. Some use it to cope with the symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Also, it was revealed by a study that some countries have been using it for a long time to deal with addiction to opioids. Although kratom can help people deal with symptoms of withdrawal caused by drugs like heroin and oxycodone, its long-term use may lead to dependence. But if kratom-dependent people stop using it all of a sudden, it can lead to withdrawal symptoms. What...

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The Top 5 Myths About Kratom

September 25, 20214 Min read

In the United States and Canada, the use of kratom is gradually becoming widespread. As per the estimates of the American Kratom Association (AKA), nearly 10-16 million people in the US use kratom regularly. Kratom, also known as Mitragyna speciosa, has been used in Southeast Asia for a long time as a remedy for aches and pains. It is endowed with a chemical compound known as mitragynine, which helps in uplifting one’s mood. However, there are several myths surrounding the use of kratom. We have briefly discussed and tried to debunk a few of these myths. Myth 1: Kratom Is...

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Common Side-Effects of Using Kratom To Treat Pain

September 10, 20214 Min read

Kratom has been widely used not only to cure chronic pain but also to help increase concentration, enthusiasm, and mental alertness as a stimulant. For several years, kratom has been used by several South-East Asians as a pain reliever. It has also proved its efficacy with regard to improving people's mood and energy. According to a study that was conducted in Thailand in 2015, it was used by some people to treat opioid addiction. In Europe and North America, kratom is being used increasingly from 2000 onwards. Not only is it being utilized as a recreational drug, but also to...

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How can Red Bali help you?

August 10, 20216 Min read

The botanical and nootropic world is garnering a lot of attention from the general public, especially the first-world countries. The shift from synthetic products to modern supplements is a step in the right direction. One of the products which have grasped the attention of the public is Mitragyna speciosa, better known as Kratom. However, when it comes to supplements, it is important to get your research done beforehand. By doing this, you save yourself from unpleasant experiences.  One of the most asked questions from new Kratom users happens to be regarding the strain choice. Mitragyna is available to customers in...

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Does Kratom Help With Motivation and Large Work Loads

August 8, 20214 Min read

Kratom is a plant that may be used in a variety of ways. The reasons for using kratom as a supplement are as varied as the people who use it. For millennia, the leaves of the kratom tree have been used in Southeast Asian traditional medicine in places like Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. It has traditionally been utilized for pain treatment as well as to keep you energetic throughout long, exhausting workdays. As a result, several strains of kratom have gained popularity as a productivity aid. One thing you'll learn about kratom is that, because it's so diverse, it has...

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