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Vietnam Kratom is one of the most unique strains of Kratom due to its birthplace in Vietnam. The kratom trees are found right along the Mekong River. This natural river-side paradise of kratom growing is believed to be the reason behind the uniqueness and potency of Vietnam kratom.  

Vietnam kratom can be found in several different strains, while it is all mostly cultivated in the same location.  There are a number of properties of each strain that make it unique and valuable to those who consume it.

Here at Kiody Kratom, we are dedicated to bringing you the best types and strains.  We remind clients all the time that “not all Kratom is created equal”.  This is why we provide a money back guarantee on EVERY order so you are free to try Kiody Kratom products risk free!

What are the different Vietnam Kratom Leaf Types?

As mentioned above, Vietnam kratom is found in several different leaf types. These are as follows:

  • Green Vietnam: Green Vietnam kratom enjoys a huge American popularity base and is often consumed as a powdered substance, in a tea or even in juices – as the natural citrusy elements of the juice combine with the powder to deliver a faster-acting solution than in other forms of beverage. Green Vietnam is well known for its use as a stimulant.
  • Red Vietnam: Red Vietnam is the kratom strain for those who struggle to get a good night’s sleep, and those who suffer from anxiety. Red Vietnam enjoys greater popularity among its Southeast Asia users and has yet to hit the American market with any real force.
  • White Vietnam: White Vietnam, as with other kratom strains of white, is often seen as striking a balance between green and red strains – providing a potent kick, but not too much, whilst also having several relaxing properties – though again, not straying too far in one direction or the other on the spectrum.


Kiody sources the best from Indonesia.

How can Vietnam kratom help you?

Using the above as a guide, it is possible to see how Vietnam kratom might be able to assist you in your mind and body aches. Whether you’re suffering from anxiety, depression, or a chronic, painful illness, Vietnam kratom and its various strains have something for you.

Use Red Vietnam to mellow yourself out, use White Vietnam to give yourself a balance between calm and energetic. When you need to focus or gain a sense of mental clarity. Or, if you’re feeling lethargic in the morning, use Green Vietnam as your go-to pick-me-up.

What are some of the Benefits of Vietnam Kratom?

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What dose of Vietnam kratom is right for me?

Doses can be a tricky thing to figure out, particularly with a substance like kratom. Vietnam kratom is no different than any other type of kratom – if you’re new to kratom use, you’ll want to ease into it. Lower doses, starting at, say, one gram, are enough to alleviate light stresses and perk you up in the morning before work. Heavier doses, particularly of Red Vietnam kratom make for a great way to consistently kick depression’s butt.

One of the things to watch out for, though, is overdosing. It is very important that you build up your tolerance to kratom slowly. Microdose your way up to a level of kratom consumption that works for what you want it to work for, and then stay at that level. Your brain has adapted to taking a certain amount of a substance that is psychoactive – if you go above this level of tolerance, there’s no telling how that may affect your brain and body.

What form does Vietnam kratom come in?

Like most other forms of Kratom, Vietnam can be found in a variety of forms. One of the most popular ways to consume Vietnam kratom – due its potency – is as a crushed powder. This is true no matter which strain of Vietnam kratom you choose to go with. Other ways to consume Vietnam kratom include capsules and liquid forms. Capsules are often taken with a beverage to wash down, and the liquid is usually also mixed with your favorite beverage. The possibilities are endless when enjoying kratom which makes it appealing to almost everyone regardless of preferance.

Where can I buy Vietnam kratom?

For those interested in Vietnam kratom, consider shopping at our online store. No matter your Vietnam kratom desire, we can help you out. We’ll be there to help you throughout every step of the process, including counseling on what Vietnam kratom strain might be best for you, in what doses and how much you’ll need, based on your needs. We’re here to help introduce you to the world of kratom.

Farm Fresh Kratom & Original Kratom

Original Kratom, sourced from Indonesia, is how Kiody Kratom became so popular so fast.  It is simply awesome and super effective.  It has stood the test of time and most customers love it so much, there is no reason to change.  New Kratom users should try the Original Kratom first and experience its wonderful effects. Start out with our Original Kratom while becoming familiar with its wellness characteristics.

At Kiody, we are always looking to improve and our Farm Fresh Kratom, also sourced from Indonesia is definitely a step up in power and longevity! Please note: Farm Fresh is for those in need of a stronger, longer lasting experience and is not for everyone.  We highly recommend new clients start with Original Kratom, then move up to our Farm Fresh if you desire a more potent experience.  Please follow dosage guidelines as Farm Fresh is truly powerful. 

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