Shawn Woodin, Owner / Founder
Shawn WOODIN, Owner
I was born and raised in Florida, but recently found my home in Colorado just five years ago. I love that there are so many things to do here. Typically, you can find me riding motorcycles with friends and hiking the beautiful Colorado trails with my family.
I have worked in a variety of industries such as FedEx, construction, and the military. With all of my grueling hard-on-your-body experiences, I could say I’ve done a great job at beating my body to death.
Kratom saved my life and gave me a normal, productive, and pain-free life. I personally have been taking kratom for three years now and selling it for about one year. I consume an average of up to 60 grams a day. Sourcing means everything to me.
From other businesses I have learned that you get what you are willing to pay for. As a business owner, I decided to get the best from the best. I have seen so many lives radically changed and no matter what, every single life is precious and is a celebration when you’re no longer in chains.
Kiody Kratom now gives me the opportunity to help others change their lives, as well. I want to give everyone what kratom has given me and I want the world to know kratom is something worth trusting and worth keeping safe and legal.
Corey M., Owner / Founder
Corey M., Owner
I was born in New York and grew up in Florida, but recently made the move to Colorful Colorado! Similar to my partner Shawn, I also love riding motorcycles with friends and spending down time with my wonderful family.
I have spent 23 years of my life working in the autobody industry which was extremely hard on my body. After an intense spine and disk replacement, I thought I was destined to be popping pain pills for the rest of my life. For seven years, I was taking about 15 – 25 pills a day and I saw no way out. However, once I came across kratom, my life changed for the better. Now I can live a normal and pain-free life which I thought would never happen.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing others get the help the way I did with lab-tested and GMP product that ACTUALLY WORKS. With Kiody Kratom, I know we are making a positive difference in so many people’s lives.
About Kiody Kratom
Kiody Kratom is much more than a business to us. For us, it is our passion.
It was a life changing experience for us that we want to share with you.
Kratom is a healthy way to receive incredible benefits for one’s body without having to step into the “drug” world whatsoever. In fact, we created Kiody Kratom to help join the fight against the life-stealing drugs that fill our streets and destroy our kids lives.
While making a living is always important, it is an incredible feeling to make your living helping others and following ones passion. We work very hard to provide the best quality kratom in the world to our customers at prices that everyone can afford. We even have even negotiated unbelievable rates with our container suppliers to pass on increased savings to our customers.
We are consumers of our own products every day and want the same “game changing” results for you. We put people first before profits. Profits will be made in time, however, changing people’s lives for the better is most important.

Our Highest Quality Kratom Now Available
in 2 Powerful Options!
Our Original Kratom, sourced from Indonesia, is our time-tested fast-acting Kratom that Kiody has built its reputation on. Our Farm Fresh Kratom is our latest, most potent formula! Farm Fresh is for those who need an even stronger, longer lasting experience.

We keep it 100% real with our customers and our employees.
We love what we do
and it shows.
What we do, we do well. Our products are high-quality
and SAFE.