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Here’s What You Should Know Before Purchasing Kratom

Kratom Basics

Kratom is no longer the mystery botanical it was five to ten years ago. As more people continue to discover its vast and remarkable potential, multitudes are becoming increasingly curious about it. Luckily, information about kratom is not scarce online, although most of it is not factual.

Similarly, you don’t have to look far to find kratom for sale online, but finding high quality kratom is another subject altogether. kratom vendors are mushrooming by the day, but make no mistake, not all Kratom is created equal. Kiody Kratom is extremely special and we have an exclusive agreement with a farmer/producer from a very rare location in Indonesia that produces some of the highest quality Kratom in the world. We have tested it against hundreds of other Kratom producers so that we could have exclusive rights and deliver the very best and back our product with a money back guarantee.

Where to Find Kratom For Sale

Kiody Kratom is an American Kratom Association GMP Qualified brand, vetted to meet strict quality standards by a third-party inspector.

Our assortment of Kratom includes the famous white, red, and green vein kratom strains that have been carefully sourced and tested with your safety and satisfaction in mind. You can rest assured that the kratom you’ll find in our store consists of pure kratom leaf in its natural form, without any contaminants.

You’ll also love to know that our products do not contain any animal products, gelatin, wheat, or preservatives.

Kratom Strains Types

Besides vein color, you’ll realize that kratom strains are usually classified by a region or location. You’ll come across these common varieties.

  • Malay
  • Hulu
  • Maenga Da
  • Elephant
  • Bali
  • Vietnam
  • Ketapang

However, it’s crucial to understand that these names don’t necessarily refer to the product’s origin. Actually, most of the kratom vendors in the United States source their kratom from Indonesia.

One of the most crucial considerations when purchasing Kratom should be the alkaloid content. The alkaloid content is what determines the spectrum of effects you’ll experience after taking a specific kratom strain.

What’s the Difference Between White, Red, And Green Vein Kratom?

We’ve recently witnessed the introduction of the gold vein and yellow vein kratom in the market, although they tend to be less prevalent than the three primary kinds of kratom.

The difference between the three main kratom strains has a lot to do with the leaves’ age. As kratom leaves develop, they begin with white veins, a mark of new growth. However, during their life cycle, the leaves turn to green and, ultimately, red when fully mature. What’s more, the concentration of their active compounds shift.

How kratom leaves are harvested and dried also impacts the final product’s outcome – duration of exposure to sunlight can affect the leaves’ final color and alkaloid content.

As with all cultivated plants, genetics play a crucial role in the yield. As such, kratom plants can also be bred to display white, red, or green vein traits throughout its life cycle.

Forms of Kratom for Sale

When looking to you can find it in more than one form. Although the powder is the most common, the other ways of taking kratom are widely embraced.

  • Powder kratom (tea) is prepared by grinding dry kratom leaves
  • Kratom capsules contain a pre-measured amount of kratom powder
  • Kratom extracts are made by obtaining the active compounds from the leaves through boiling